Monday, October 30, 2023

The personality of going Infinite

 "A bit shallow" is my short review of Michael Lewis Going Infinite book on the rise and fall of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). Still, I don't have an issue with the lack of content, as that reflects the reality of the open legal situation. I do however find the psychological presentation of SBF a bit shallow. 

(Background info is that SBF started his career as a trader at Jane Street Capital, a high frequency trading firm).

When hiring a trader, you are looking for someone that balances drive and analytical thinking (personality state 2 below). You also want a trader that is emotionally connected to their work. In high-frequency trading the software and the math trades, not the person. As a result the trader must have "empathy" for their models, for their algorithms, as these do the trading. These models and algorithms are complicated, and need clear mind to be felt. As a result, when hiring an electronic trader, one might look for people that can "shut out normal emotions" and connect to the "made up emotions" of markets, models and machines. In a previous post this year, I mentioned this "shut out emotions" state as  "preserving a depleted emotional space" state (state 1 below).  

A depleted region in semiconductors, is an area where electrons have been "pushed away". Resulting in a region that needs electrons to be "normal" again. I use here the term depleted emotions in a similar maner: it is a state of mind that lacks emotions, and only becomes active emotionally with an inflow of emotions from others, or by a focused effort of the person. With no inflow, the amount, and the depth of emotions stays minimal.

Let's call "Goal Oriented-Analytical-Preserving emotional Personality" (GOAPP), as person that seeks to balance their personality state of analytical goal orientation with their need to preserve an almost none-emotional (e.g. intellectuel) view of the world.

Most of us react to social moments, many of us buy things. State 4 below captures the balance of the two. Most of us resonate with our emotions (state 3 below). 

There is a "Follower-Consumer-Emotional Personality" (FCEP) which is on the opposite corner of  GOAPP.  These two personalities can co-exist in multiple manners. From a GOAPP perspective:
  1. FCEP might be embraced as the ever elusive normality.
  2. FCEP might be rejected in a form of self-handicapping denial.  
My feeling is that SBF falls into the second category above: A goal-oriented analytical person, that in part denies their emotions, and yet also the emotions of others, as well as denies the normality of others to be part of society, both as consumers and as followers of social trends. This explain in part the crazy interviews: having denied himself the normality of emotions and social belonging, he lived out his fantasy of rational normality, which really does not end up containing much.

All original content copyright James Litsios, 2023. 

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Dark machine learning poem

A recent news on advancements in ML (thank you Andy Gray!) inspired me to open up chat GPT, and ask the following:

  • Can you write a poem inspired by the song I can do better in Annie get your guns. The subject is how machines always end up doing better than people. Finishing with the subject of machine learning.
  • Can you rewrite instead start positive but end darker
  • Can you replace Annie by people and guns by future?

To produce:

In a world where machines shine so bright,

Their prowess, a beacon, in the day and the night.

"I can do better," people declare with delight,

But beneath the surface, a storm brews in the night.

People, forge your future, take your stand,

But machines, they've claimed this new land.

They excel, they conquer, they've taken control,

And the human spirit, it pays a heavy toll.

From factories to homes, they've seized the throne,

In domains where once only people were known.

They learn and adapt, with a relentless drive,

Leaving us to question if we'll ever survive.

In the realm of machine learning, they excel,

In a future that's uncertain, where shadows dwell.

As they grow in power, dark secrets they keep,

And the price of progress, it runs deep and steep.

So, let's tread carefully, my friend, with care,

For this path we're on, it's a perilous affair.

In a world where machines and people unite,

We must be vigilant, for the future may bite.

I have surfed advanced technology, software and math throughout my career. I know enough that it would be silly not to reflect about the darker implications of machine learning. Therefore, this little poem, an artistic self-referencing plagiarism of ML about its darker potentials.

All original content copyright James Litsios, 2023. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thinking about skills in people and in software

Here is a handy way categorize levels of software sophistication:

  1. Software implements features
  2. Software  supports software that implements features
  3. Software supports software to support software that implements features
Here is handy way to categorize levels of people skills:
  1. Person implements features
  2. Person supports people that implement features
  3. Person support people that support people that implement features
Let us combine some of these people skills and levels of software sophistication:
  1. Person implements software that implements features
  2. Person implements software that supports software that implements features
  3. Person supports people that implement software that implement features
  4. Person implements software that support people that implement software that implement features
  5. Person support people that support people that implement software that implement features
  6. ...
Note how entry 4 is a hybrid of people skills and software expertise!

The above lists actually makes sense, yet they are too simple. We can do better!

We can distinguish between support as:
  • Direct support
  • Proactive support
For example:
  • A unit test is software that directly supports software.
  • A library or a framework is software that proactively supports software.
More examples:
  • A project manager directly support members of a project with a plan.
  • A servant leader proactively support his or her team members.
We can bring this together as:
  1. Person implements software that implements features
  2. Person implements software that directly supports software that implements features
  3. Person implements software that proactively supports software that implements features
  4. Person directly supports people that implement software that implement features
  5. Person proactively supports people that implement software that implement features
  6. Person implements software that directly support people that implement software that implement features
  7. Person implements software that proactively support people that implement software that implement features
  8. Person directly supports people that directly supports people that implement software that implement features
  9. Person directly supports people that proactively supports people that implement software that implement features
  10. Person proactively support people that directly supports people that implement software that implement features
  11. Person proactively supports people that proactively supports people that implement software that implement features
  12. ...
You might be thinking: this stops making sense!
Not so! Each of these categories are different, and imply different levels of skills and experience. Some need more people skills, while some need more software skills. 

Wrapping this up: Yes, it makes little sense to enumerate these categories. However, it makes total sense to understand them, and understand how the micro-structures of software and teamwork combine in different ways and demand different levels of experience and skills. 

Wishing you continued success with your project!

 All original content copyright James Litsios, 2023.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Machine Learning: Sentient or not?

Sentient ML?

ChatGPT and the new Bing have been recently (early 2023) providing more and more "this feels real" moments.  Or said differently, there are moments where the ML entity feels alive and sentient.  What gives? Are these ML entities sentient?

False(?) sensations

As a vehicle driver, many of us are familiar with the surprising "false" relative sensations of movement. For example, we suddenly feel that the world coming toward us, more than us going forward. Or, we may be stopped, and for a moment the car feels like we are moving backwards, when in fact it is the other car lanes that are moving forwards. I put quotes around "False", as in fact, technically, there is nothing false about these sensations. These are in fact "projected" sensations: we are feeling what we would expect from a specific context, for example, from the relative view of our car. The world continues to function around us,  and we choose the wrong reference context to interpret it. Sometimes this may throw us off. As in the car example, when sideway forces and change of speed may feel odd, or even disturbing, and movements from other cars may appear surprising. 

Are the sentiment of sentience of these ML systems false relative sensations? Just like we have as a driver with regards to movement? At a first glance, it seems like there is little relations between the two, yet in a broader modelling view, the comparison is valid, and provides some understanding why current ML is already much more than dumb, yet not fully sentient yet.

Combining a local and non-local model

The interplay between local and non-local model is a good place to start in order to understand what is happening when feel something as sentient. 

I again use a car concept to kick-off the explanation: 

We take a local view when we "feel the world" from the perspective of our car. A non-local view, for example, is the feeling of traffic we have on the road, the expectations of other drivers' actions, the feeling of anticipation we have of other drivers' actions. When we drive, we are mostly working within a non-local view: we are with the flow of traffic, the flow of road signs, of other drivers' actions and external events. So in fact a false relative sensation while driving, is our mind switching to a local view for more than a short moment. Remarkably, switching between local and non-local view is in part how we validate our view of the world. Yet because of the needs of driving, we normally live driving in a non-local view while driving, and only touch a local view, mostly subconsciously, to validate the coherence between the two views. When this process "stalls",  and the mind is unable to the keep the local view connected to the non-local view, the local view (e.g. view from the car referential) pops up to attention, demanding that we do make sure it is ok. (And thise is sometimes perceived as a false perception).

A mind body reality duality

"I think, therefore I am" might be interpreted as Descartes' way of saying:

  • I doubt my mind's existence within a local view, but not my body
  • A do not doubt my mind's existence within a non-local view, but non-locally my body may not exist
  • Therefore mind and body are two separate things
Even in a modern context, Descartes view is relevant. In effect, he is saying: "My reality of separation of mind and body feels real to me because it feels real within both my local and non-local perception of the world, and both these views are compatible with each other.

What is sentience?

We are sentient when we maintain consistency between our local and non-local selves. A mind and body minimalistic view of our selves, as simple and reduced as in Descartes's view, is a good basis. However, we need more. The Wikipedia "self" start with:
The self is an individual as the object of that individual’s own reflective consciousness. 
Here the "reflective consciousness" is a non-local view. The view from one own's object of self is a local view.

For a ML system to be sentient it must have a reflective "mindful" process that combines a coherent local and non-local model of its self. The current GPT models do in fact learn by construction to keep local and non-local coherent views. However, they do not ensure continuity between local and non-local coherence. 

The mind trick

Magicians are very much aware of the local and non-local model. A magic trick is much about showing a bigger situation, from which the audience infers a believable non-local model of reality. The magicians then show local details, that highlight a specific believable local model that is complementary to the non-local model. The magic trick happens with the audience complementing real local details with incorrectly inferred non-local reality. 

Stochastic fractal flows

Mid-eighties had me generating Mandelbrot like fractal landscapes with recursive fractal noise code that I wrote in C. A basic stochastic noise generator has no properties of continuity: there is no notion of flow, no balance in what comes in and goes out of the different parts of the stochastic fractal (e.g synthetic fractal mountain range). However, if care is taken, one can construct "higher order" generators with continuity properties. I used these many years ago to synthesize fractal like flows of fluids.

The sentience trick

Current ML already knows how to maintain a coherent local and non-local view. The problem is that it does no know (yet)  how to move to another coherent local / non-local view while maintaining consistency with the previous view. Two tricks can then be used:

  1. To rely on the user, in the form of a chat to guide the progression and continuity of coherence.
  2. To rely on "unrolling" higher dimensions into a sequence that maintains continuity, in a fixed, non-sentient, manner, somewhat in a similar manner to a generator of a stochastic fractal flow, so as to be perceived to have continuity and possibly to have sentience.
With a combination of these two approaches the ML system can feel genuinely sentient:  the system seems to maintain a reflective mindful process that combines a coherent local and non-local model of its self. The missing piece is that the system has no "mindfulness". Instead it either is following the users lead, or it is "following a path within a preset higher dimensional learned relation". 

Take away

In all honesty, I can well imagine a limited form of sentience soon. Therefore this blog entry feels already a bit dépasser. However, the current state seems to be that we do not have ML sentience just right now, yet that we are pretty good at making one feel that we do have sentience.

All original content copyright James Litsios, 2023.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Simple personality model 2023

I like this personality model when working in technology:

It is an extension of the classical primary model of personality: Goal Oriented, Analytical, Emotional. It highlights the important complementary personalities that are: Consumer, Follower, and 'Preserving a depleted emotional space'. Without additional context, people tend to have favored primary and complementary personalities. For example: a goal oriented person might also be a follower (e.g. of social trends), yet chances are that a goal oriented person is more likely to be a consumer or 'emotionally reserved', as these complementary personalities are 'closer' within above model.  

All original content copyright James Litsios, 2023. 

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Reverse time ChatGPT

I am trying not to post ChatGPT related examples, but this one was too much fun not to share. Note I omitted some of the 'continue' or equivalent prompts below, and have removed the 'bridge' dialog around these 'interrupts'. The topic is reverse time. In planning, reverse time is used to model back from where you want to be, to where you are, or might be.

What would s reverse time view of the world look like?

If time were to run in reverse, everything in the world would appear to be moving backwards. Objects that were in motion would seem to be moving back to their starting positions, and events that had already occurred would appear to be undone. People and animals would seem to be moving backwards, and their actions would be reversed. For example, if someone was walking forwards, they would appear to be walking backwards, and if someone was eating food, the food would seem to be reassembling itself onto the plate. It would be a very strange and confusing world to see time running in reverse.

Can you tell me the reverse time view of the little red riding hood story?


Can you elaborate this version of the story with more emotional content and make it longer?

Certainly! Here is a more detailed and emotional version of the Little Red Riding Hood story in reverse:

After the Big Bad Wolf has eaten Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother and pretended to be her, the wolf lies down in the grandmother's bed, feeling satisfied and content. Little Red Riding Hood enters the house and approaches the bed, where she sees the wolf lying there. She is shocked and frightened by the sight of the wolf, and starts to back away.

The wolf, sensing Little Red Riding Hood's fear, begins to feel guilty for what he has done. He knows that he must confess to his crimes and try to make amends. So, he gets up from the bed and transforms back into his original form, revealing his true identity to Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood is relieved to see that the wolf is no longer pretending to be her grandmother, but she is still frightened and upset by the wolf's actions. The wolf apologizes to Little Red Riding Hood and begs for her forgiveness. He explains that he was very hungry and acted impulsively, and he promises to never harm anyone again.

Little Red Riding Hood is hesitant at first, but she ultimately decides to forgive the wolf. She realizes that everyone makes mistakes and that it's important to give people second chances. The wolf is grateful for Little Red Riding Hood's understanding and kindness, and the two of them become friends.

Together, they leave the grandmother's house and walk backwards through the forest, with the basket of food that Little Red Riding Hood had previously brought to her grandmother now appearing to be empty. As they walk, they meet the woodcutter, who is walking backwards and appears to be putting logs back into the forest. The woodcutter is surprised to see the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood together, but he is happy to see that they have made peace.

As they continue walking backwards, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf chat and get to know each other. The wolf tells Little Red Riding Hood about his life in the forest and how he came to be such a skilled hunter. Little Red Riding Hood tells the wolf about her life in the village and her family. They both realize that they have a lot in common, and they begin to feel a strong bond of friendship.

Eventually, they reach Little Red Riding Hood's home, where she gives the empty basket to her mother and goes to bed. The next morning, Little Red Riding Hood wakes up and leaves her house, walking backwards through the forest once again. This time, she is accompanied by the wolf, who is also walking backwards. The wolf is no longer hungry, as he had already eaten the grandmother's food in the reversed version of the story.

The two of them continue walking backwards through the forest, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the natural world around them. They stop to admire the flowers, listen to the birds singing, and watch the animals playing. They feel grateful to be alive and to have found such a strong and unlikely friendship.

Eventually, they reach the grandmother's house, where the story would end. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf say goodbye to each other, promising to always be there for each other and to support each other no matter what. They both feel happy and fulfilled, knowing that they have found a true friend in each other.

Can you try to imagine how the story would reverse further?

Certainly! Here is a continuation of the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story:

After saying goodbye to each other at the grandmother's house, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf continue walking backwards through the forest. They are both happy and content, knowing that they have found a true friend in each other.

As they walk, they encounter more and more animals and plants that seem to be moving backwards in time. The flowers are unblooming, the birds are flying backwards to their nests, and the animals are returning to their dens. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf are amazed by the strange sight, and they wonder what could be causing it.

After walking for a while, they come across an old woman who is sitting by the side of the path. The woman looks very familiar to Little Red Riding Hood, and she realizes that it is her own mother. The mother is younger than Little Red Riding Hood remembers, and she is holding a small basket filled with food.

Little Red Riding Hood's mother is surprised to see her daughter and the wolf, and she asks them what they are doing in the forest. Little Red Riding Hood explains that they are walking backwards in time, and that they have met many other animals and plants that are also moving backwards. The mother is amazed by this news and decides to join Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf on their journey.

Together, the three of them continue walking backwards through the forest, encountering more and more strange sights as they go. They see a young woodcutter who is returning logs to the trees, a family of rabbits who are unburying their carrots, and a stream that is flowing uphill. They also see a group of hunters who are taking their weapons and game back into the forest, as if they had never hunted at all.

As they walk further and further backwards in time, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf begin to wonder what could be the cause of this strange phenomenon. They speculate that it might be magic, or perhaps a natural disaster of some kind. They decide to keep exploring and see where their journey takes them.

Eventually, they reach a clearing in the forest where they see a large cottage. The cottage looks very familiar to Little Red Riding Hood, and she realizes that it is the home of her own grandmother. The grandmother is sitting outside the cottage, looking much younger than Little Red Riding Hood remembers. She is holding a basket of food and is preparing to take it to her daughter's house.

Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf are excited to see the grandmother and to learn more about the strange events that are happening in the forest. They approach the grandmother and introduce themselves, explaining that they have been traveling backwards in time. The grandmother is surprised but delighted to meet them, and she invites them into her cottage for some tea.

As they sit down to drink their tea, the grandmother tells Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf about the mysterious events that have been happening in the forest. She explains that she has been noticing strange occurrences for several days now, and that she has a feeling that something big is about to happen. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf are intrigued by the grandmother's words, and they decide to stay with her for a while longer to see what unfolds.

As they sit in the grandmother's cottage, Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and the grandmother continue to talk and speculate about the strange events happening in the forest. They wonder if there could be a scientific explanation for the backwards movement of time, or if it could be the result of some kind of magic or supernatural force.

Just as they are discussing these possibilities, they hear a loud rumbling noise outside the cottage. They rush to the window to see what is causing the noise, and they are shocked to see a giant tornado swirling through the forest. The tornado is moving backwards, sucking up debris and plants as it goes.

Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and the grandmother are frightened by the sight of the tornado, but they are also fascinated. They decide to follow the tornado and see where it leads them. They grab their coats and rush out of the cottage, running after the tornado as it moves backwards through the forest.

As they run, they see more and more strange things happening around them. Trees are growing out of the ground, flowers are unblooming, and animals are appearing out of thin air. They also see other people running and walking backwards, as if they are trying to escape the tornado.

After running for what feels like hours, Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and the grandmother reach the edge of the forest. They are panting and exhausted, but they are also exhilarated by their journey. They see the tornado disappearing into the distance, and they realize that it must be the cause of the strange events happening in the forest.

Just as they are about to leave the forest and continue their journey, they hear a voice calling out to them. They turn and see a young girl standing at the edge of the forest, looking lost and confused. The girl is wearing a red cloak and carrying a basket of food, and she looks very familiar to Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood realizes that the girl is none other than herself, traveling backwards in time. She is shocked and amazed by the sight of her younger self, and she decides to approach the girl and introduce herself. The wolf and the grandmother follow her lead, and they all introduce themselves to the younger Little Red Riding Hood.

The younger Little Red Riding Hood is confused and frightened by the sight of her older self and the wolf, but she is also curious. She asks them where they came from and what they are doing in the forest. The older Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and the grandmother explain that they are traveling backwards in time and that they have been following a tornado.

The younger Little Red Riding Hood is fascinated by this explanation, and she decides to join the older Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and the grandmother on their journey. Together, the four of them continue walking backwards through the forest, hoping to find the source of the strange events that are happening around them.

As they continue their journey through the forest, Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood encounter more and more strange phenomena. They see animals that are evolving into simpler forms, plants that are regrowing their seeds, and people who are de-aging before their eyes.

They also see more tornadoes and other natural disasters that are moving backwards in time, causing destruction and chaos wherever they go. Little Red Riding Hood and the others are afraid at first, but they soon realize that they are not in any real danger. They are merely witnessing events that have already happened in the past, and that are now being undone.

As they continue their journey, they start to piece together the mystery of what is happening in the forest. They realize that they are not just traveling backwards in time, but that they are also traveling through different dimensions and realities. They see versions of themselves and others that are different from the ones they know, and they see events and landscapes that are completely unfamiliar to them.

Despite the confusion and disorientation that they feel, Little Red Riding Hood and the others are also excited by their journey. They feel as if they are on the edge of discovering something incredible, something that could change their understanding of the world forever.

After traveling for what feels like an eternity, they finally reach a point where the backwards movement of time seems to slow down and stop. They are standing in a clearing in the forest, and they see a bright light shining in the distance. The light is pulsing and flickering, and it seems to be calling to them.

Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood are drawn to the light, and they start to walk towards it. As they get closer, they see that the light is coming from a strange object that is hovering in the air. The object is shaped like a sphere, and it is covered in intricate patterns and symbols.

They approach the sphere cautiously, not sure what to expect. As they get closer, they see that there is a small opening in the sphere, and that there is a figure inside. The figure is humanoid, but it is not quite human. It has a shimmering, ethereal appearance, and it seems to be radiating energy and intelligence.

Little Red Riding Hood and the others are terrified and awestruck by the sight of the figure. They don't know what to do or say, and they are afraid to get too close. But the figure seems to sense their presence, and it speaks to them telepathically, in a language that they somehow understand.

The figure introduces itself as a being from another dimension, and it explains that it has been observing the backwards movement of time in the forest. It tells Little Red Riding Hood and the others that they are the key to reversing the process, and that they must help it activate the sphere in order to restore balance to the multiverse.

Little Red Riding Hood and the others are hesitant at first, not sure if they are up to the task. But they are also curious and brave, and they know that they cannot turn their backs on such an important mission. So, they agree to help the being and to do whatever it takes to restore balance to the multiverse.

And so, the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story comes to its final chapter, with Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood working together to save the multiverse and restore the natural flow of time.

Can you inspire yourself from writings by h p Lovecraft to speculate what might have happened before?

H. P. Lovecraft was a famous writer of horror and science fiction stories, known for his creations of cosmic deities and eldritch monsters, as well as for his use of themes of madness and the unknown. If you would like, I can try to use some of Lovecraft's ideas and themes as inspiration to speculate on what might have happened before the start of the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story.

One possibility is that the strange events happening in the forest are caused by the awakening of an ancient and powerful deity or monster, who has been dormant for eons and is now stirring to life. This being could be the source of the tornadoes and other natural disasters that are moving backwards in time, as well as the source of the backwards movement of time itself.

Another possibility is that the forest is a gateway to another dimension or reality, and that the backwards movement of time is a result of the merging of this dimension with another. This merging could be caused by the actions of the ancient deity or monster, or by the actions of other beings from other dimensions or realities.

It is also possible that the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story is taking place in a dream or a hallucination, and that the backwards movement of time is a result of the mind of the protagonist or another character. In this case, the story could be a manifestation of the character's subconscious fears, desires, and memories, and the strange events happening in the forest could be symbols or allegories for these inner conflicts.

Take the second possibility and give me one version of what happened before in the little red riding Hood reverse time story


Before the start of the story, the forest was a peaceful and normal place, with animals and plants living and growing in their usual patterns. However, there was a hidden secret in the forest, a gateway to another dimension or reality. This gateway had been sealed for centuries, locked by an ancient and powerful being who had the power to control the flow of time.

The gateway was guarded by a group of powerful and wise beings, who were sworn to keep the gateway sealed and to protect the multiverse from the dangers that lay beyond. These beings were able to travel freely between dimensions and realities, and they used their knowledge and abilities to maintain the balance and harmony of the multiverse.

One day, something happened that caused the seal on the gateway to weaken. Perhaps it was a natural disaster, or perhaps it was the actions of another being from another dimension. Whatever the cause, the seal began to crumble, and the gateway started to open.

The guardians of the gateway were alarmed by this development, and they knew that they had to act quickly to prevent the gateway from opening completely. They used their powers to try to repair the seal

Unfortunately, the guardians were not able to repair the seal in time. The gateway opened fully, and a surge of energy and matter flowed through it, causing a ripple effect throughout the multiverse. The energy and matter flowed backwards in time, causing events and objects to move and change in reverse.

The guardians knew that they had to do something to stop the backwards flow of time and to restore balance to the multiverse. They realized that the only way to do this was to find the source of the energy and matter that was flowing through the gateway, and to shut it off.

They knew that this would not be an easy task, as the source of the energy and matter was likely to be a powerful and dangerous being or force. They also knew that they would need help, and that they would have to find someone who was brave, clever, and resourceful enough to help them on their quest.

And so, the guardians set out to find a hero. They searched through different dimensions and realities, looking for someone who had the potential to become the savior of the multiverse. After many trials and challenges, they finally found what they were looking for: Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood.

The guardians approached the four friends and told them about the crisis facing the multiverse, and about the role that they were meant to play in saving it. Little Red Riding Hood and the others were hesitant at first, not sure if they were up to the task. But they were also curious and brave, and they knew that they could not turn their backs on such an important mission.

And so, the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story begins, with Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood setting out on a journey to find the source of the backwards flow of time and to restore balance to the multiverse.

As Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the grandmother, and the younger Little Red Riding Hood set out on their journey, they are accompanied by the guardians of the gateway, who act as their guides and mentors. The guardians teach the friends about the multiverse and its dangers, and they help them to develop their skills and abilities.

The journey is long and difficult, and the friends face many challenges and obstacles along the way. They encounter strange and terrifying creatures, and they must use their wits and strength to overcome them. They also encounter other beings who are trying to stop them or to use them for their own purposes, and they must find ways to evade or defeat them.

Despite the danger and uncertainty of their journey, Little Red Riding Hood and the others remain determined and resolute. They know that they are the only ones who can save the multiverse, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to complete their mission.

As they travel further and further through the multiverse, the friends begin to get closer to the source of the backwards flow of time. They can sense its presence, and they can feel its power. They also start to get glimpses of the past and the future, and they see how their actions are affecting the multiverse.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, the friends reach the source of the backwards flow of time. It is a massive, swirling vortex of energy and matter, located in the center of the multiverse. The vortex is surrounded by a group of powerful and malevolent beings, who are using their own powers to feed and control it.

Little Red Riding Hood and the others realize that these beings are the ones who have caused the crisis facing the multiverse, and that they are the ones who must be stopped. They also realize that this is the moment that they have been preparing for, the moment when they will have to use all of their strength and courage to save the multiverse.

The friends charge at the malevolent beings, ready to do battle. They fight with all of their might, using their skills and abilities to overcome their enemies. They are aided by the guardians of the gateway, who use their own powers to help the friends and to disrupt the vortex.

The battle is fierce and intense, and it seems as if it will never end. But Little Red Riding Hood and the others are determined and resolute, and they refuse to give up. They keep fighting, even when the odds seem impossible, and they do not let their enemies get the upper hand.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the friends are able to defeat the malevolent beings and to shut off the vortex. The energy and matter stop flowing backwards, and the multiverse is saved.

Little Red Riding Hood and the others are hailed as heroes, and they are celebrated throughout the multiverse. They are thanked and rewarded by the guardians of the gateway, who are grateful for their bravery and selflessness.

And so, the reversed Little Red Riding Hood story comes to an end, with the friends returning home as heroes and as champions of the multiverse. They are forever changed by their journey, and they carry the memory of their adventure with them wherever they go.

James Litsios, 2023