At least eight dimensions can be used qualify the way financial participants trade:
- Transaction speed from slow to quasi-instantaneous.
- Transaction rate from rare/infrequent to quasi-continuous.
- Selection of transactions from disorganized to very organized (e.g. backed by mathematics and research).
- Transaction's future obligations from no future obligations to with future obligations (e.g. backed by personal wealth).
- Time scope of transaction's obligation from immediate (e.g. transfer cash) to long term (e.g. payout bond coupon after 30y).
- Number of participants on "same side of transaction" from small to large
- Size of single transaction from small to large.
- Influence of fundamental/"real world" properties of traded contract from none to very important.
In the context of the GameStop event we note the following:
Traditionally, retail investors execute transactions:
- Slowly
- Infrequently
- In a disorganized way
- With no future obligation
- With only immediate obligation
- As part of a very large group of similar participants
- On transactions of small size
- With more care about the image/brand of the traded products than the fundamentals
To differentiate, one type of hedge fund's transactions might be qualified as:
- Quasi-instantaneous
- Quasi-continuous
- Organized with algorithms and machine learning
- Including much future obligation
- With future obligations up to ~1Y
- As part of a small group of similar hedge funds
- On transactions of small size and of complementary transactions of larger size.
- With a combination of caring only about short term machined learned properties to some caring about longer term fundamentals
And to differentiate with at least thirty other market participant profiles going from broker to settlement bank, or insurer. This last point being important: it is not "just" about the retail investors and certain types of hedge funds, there is a whole "ecosystem" out there of financial interdependence. Also coming back the hedge fund example: important are the strong future obligations, the hedge funds "have promised" something. In this case to give back the GameStop shares they have borrowed, or pay out options that depend on the high value of the stock.
Now then, the key changes in the GameStop event are the retail investors GameStop transactions becoming:
- Slow
- More frequent
- Very organized: buy only, "buy for ever"
- With no future obligation
- With only immediate obligation
- As part of a very large group of similar participants
- On transactions of small size, (probably bigger average)
- Caring about "beating hedge funds", making a killing with the rising share price, the charismatic"gaming product" brand, with absolutely no caring about fundamentals.