Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Agile process vs Data Management

Modern architecture, for example for large cloud systems, have much in common with agile processes. You may know from past posts that I love agile processes. One reason is that agile processes have mathematical roots. The other is that when you know how to yield them, they deliver. I could talk for two hours on the subject! Here, for your comfort, the focus is just on the basic tie between an agile process and the architecture of modern data management.
Here is the video (9m):

Pictures from the video

Hereunder, the main pictures of the video, in case you want to refer to them in your comments:

1) Concrete vs Abstract (horizontally) and Static vs Dynamic (vertically):

(Note how I say concrete, but write "contract" in the video. That is a mistake, and what happens when you invent smart contracts and focus much on them!).

2) Agile process "functional schema" and data management "functional schema" side by side:

3) Waterfall process (red):

4) Agile iterative process (blue):

5) Traditional database architecture (red):

6) Modern data management architecture (blue):

Yes, in case you are wondering: my left hand is holding my iphone as I record. 
As always, comments are welcome, especially from old friends!

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