Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The beauty and the beast: explicit and implicit types

Working with Haskell has brought on an unexpected question:

  • Is it more productive to work with implicit types or explicit types?
By this I mean: “Should major types be mostly inferred or mostly specified with type signature”?

The bizarre fact is that you may well use two different parts of your brain to work with inferred types or with “defined” types!  Here is the reasoning:

Programming is an incremental process: changes are made locally and then overall consistency is assured. When programming around types, changes are made to type specifications or to expressions which affect type. The two kinds of changes lead to two styles of programming: the first is to start by changing a type definition or type annotation, the second is to start by changing an expression, which results in a change to the inferred types, and possibly needing a fix to a type signature.

The bare minimum of type annotation is not even to provide argument to “top level” functions, such as in let f = fun a b -> … , where we only know that the function f has two arguments because it is inferred from its body. This style may sound contrived but is a way to work around the type class restriction in F#.

So how does this affect productivity? Mental work is much about having a good inner dialog; Your mind is taking a very static view of the program’s design when you worry about type signatures. While when you worry about the result of the type inference, you are effectively “re-running” the program in your head. It is not the same thing! And I find in many cases the second thought process, the reliance on inferred types, the more productive way to work.

This study goes very much in this direction:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stream oriented and parallel programming

Good software design comes to applying simple patterns; for many years now my simple pattern is stream oriented programming, and in the functional programming monads. In this post, I will introduce the concept of stream oriented programming by showing the value it brings to parallel program.
Parallel programming design has three basic patterns:
  1. Sequential execution
  2. Parallel execution
  3. Hierarchical execution (or “compositional”, “encapsulating”; please help with name)
The two first are classic: operations happen sequentially along the execution, operations can happen in parallel along synchronous or unsyncronized execution flows. One way to present the third pattern is through hierarchical state machines (HSM) where each sate can be a yet another HSM, recursively to any depth.

Hierarchical patterns of execution are important because they are really expressing higher order properties of the solution space. Sequential and parallel patterns are good: they do work, they make things more complex; but they do not “shape” the specific nature of an algorithm; hierarchical patterns do. A good way to bring in a notion of stream oriented programming is by describing the same example hierarchical system in two different ways: state machine oriented and stream oriented:
  • The “hierarchical state machine” oriented way: the system is a machine, with an application, with a socket connection that transports packets of messages.
  • In “stream oriented” way: there is a machine, it starts up, it starts an application, which opens a socket, which sends a packet that contains multiple messages. Later it sends more packets with more messages, the socket closes down, then starts up again, to later close down again with the termination of the application. The application is restarted, the socket start up, etc. Again later, the machine is rebooted, the pattern continues.
Note how the hierarchical stream pattern is built of many sequential pattern used at multiple levels: the messages are sent sequentially, so are the packets; the application is run a multiple number of times, the machine is restarted time after time. Also, the messages, packets, application, etc. can all be seen as happening synchronously in parallel. Yet looking at the system as separate sequences and parallel is not good enough, from a state machine perspective it would be like considering each element of the system as separate state machines, which they are not. What is really happening is that the system is one big sequence and we choose to see this sequence as a structure of levels of hierarchies. It is exactly this notion of sequence “over a hierarchy” that the hierarchical execution pattern captures.

Most classical programming languages are built around the state of data, while “execution” state is implicit and ideally hidden. Indeed, one of the first efforts in program development was to “hide” the program counter first with subroutines and then with structured programming. A side note is that in many ways what separates software from hardware is the notion of “execution state”: hardware makes that execution state explicit.

Execution state is central to the notion of shared access to resources: a locked resource is really defining specific exclusion rule for the execution state. SQL and its variants extend the notion of implicitly managing these exclusion rules for shared resources. Multi-threaded programming is supported by different locks and basic thread operations. Yet still execution state is hidden. And for good reason, anybody who has attempted to use a thread suspension as part of their design know how impossibly difficult it is to reasoning about certain execution states.

Unfortunately, the “hidden” nature of execution state also makes it very hard to structure and scale the execution of multithreaded and parallel programs. So while a good architect may map certain computations to thread resources, it is hard to do this a systematic way; and even then, it is hard to foresee how well a parallel designs will perform. A solution to this problem taken in GPU processors has been to impose very simple execution models on the developer.  The execution state is still implicit but with GPUs it has an imposed structure: we know that multiple states of the threads all “in-line”.  It has to be said that languages like Erlang have also taken a similar approach but they too impose strong restrictions on the execution model, limiting their applicability.

An attentive developer will have noted the steady but sure growth of stream oriented and functional style programming as a “solution” to the difficulties of multi-threaded and parallel programming. Functional programming has been around for fifty years and yet would previously have never been recommended for efficient parallel execution, so clearly there is something more than “just” functional programming in making it a parallel complexity slayer. The answer lies in explicitly managing state of execution! This deserves a little explaining.

One way to define a stream is as follows:
  • Repeatedly triggered by an input
  • Performs I/O and computation sequentially
  • Local readable and writable state
  • Within a constant, read only, environment
  • Drives an output
(Except the first item and the notion of synchronicity, all of the above are optional.)

Now here is the key insight: A stream has an overall state of execution! To be more precise, both the repeatedly triggered executions on stream events have execution states as well as the overall “bigger” life cycle of each stream. This is just like a socket which can be opened or closed and have individual packets running over it.

The functional style programmer may have noted the notion of stream is not far from the notion of a monad. Indeed, monadic programming shares very much the ability to have two execution states: the state seen as part of each individual monadic expression, and the whole execution state when “running” the monad. It is this property that allows monads to be a basic building block for parallel programming.

Looking again at an overall system, at any given time a stream oriented system can be seen as a hierarchy of stream flows; Each of these streams is associated to an execution state; The key insight is that an optimal use of the parallel resources of a system is found by optimally assigning these execution states to the parallel resources of the system.

You might ask: “Why is it was necessary to introduce streams, can we not write parallel systems with only hierarchical state machines”?  As we have seen in the system description above, HSMs and hierarchical stream patterns are really very similar. In fact the stream pattern can be seen as the edges of the transition graph of the state machine. (It is a form of data differentiation of the hierarchical state machine pattern). A single graph has usually many edges, therefore it by assembling many stream oriented patterns we can build equivalent HSMs. We know now that stream patterns have two levels of state execution, and that good parallel design is about smartly assigning execution state to parallel resources, and finally we know that by combining many stream patterns we can build hierarchical state machines. The result is that stream oriented programming is more modular and flexible than direct HSM type programming:
  • Each stream can be assigned locally to execution states,
  • The compositional property of streams allow them to adapt both to algorithms as well as to parallel topologies ,
  • The dynamical nature of their assmbly allow them to be reconfigured quickly.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Delivery focus versus creative slack

I made a presentation on scrum today in which I first presented a generic agile framework, to then present scrum within that agile framework. Although I had not planned it, I found myself emphasizing the need to focus on delivery in order to make time available, what I call slack time, to be creative and bring your development up to a new level. One can compare agility and running hedge funds: management and product development processes share much with how one maximizes a portfolio. The key learning is that you cannot afford to waste time when you are squeezed by your boss, by your investors, or even by the market! Agility from this view is much about maximizing your productivity while reserving time to ensure growth. That is the notion of focusing on delivery and on your client, and yet still have time (and space) to tackle the hard problems! You need time to reinvent yourself as you progress. That is the notion of making space for slack time. Make sure you accumulate enough of it and then invest it wisely. Your focus needs to be breakthrough, nothing else; keep your "normal" efforts on delivery effort. For the slack time you need to try to be extraordinary because it will change you or your company and may well give you a chance of new futures that would not exist without that special effort.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bad scrum, good scrum and trust

Years ago I switched my development team to scrum. Or at least what I thought was scrum: we had teams, product owners, we carefully followed the sprint and stand-up process. Then we carefully sized our stories and we carefully worked to produce average work. of decent quality. It was scrum, but now I would call it "bad scrum".
It was bad because we had built ourselves a straight jacket, and none of us dared to step out of line with the risk of blowing the sprint. Arguably, there were attenuating circumstances: the teams were walking on eggs, working on a large C++ program that few us understood. Still I have seen this behavior elsewhere. It is a behavior of risk aversion, sustained by worries of the whole team.

So you might ask, "What is then good scrum"? Good scrum is when you follow the process but stop worrying about it.But most importantly, good scrum is when you have managed to build a liberating trust among all members of the team. All too often developers are suspicious of other people's work, or worse they have the "not invented here syndrome" where they need to make their mark in the code or the design for it to be acceptable. Strangely enough this type of behavior is more destructive in an agile process than a waterfall process! In an agile process like scrum, a lack of trust will amplify the risk aversion of the team, and this will kill your productivity. Remarkably, the notion of trust is rarely mentioned and yet it is fundamental. Take the size of a scrum team; Some people say 5 members, some say 7 or 9, or even 11 in certain domains; And yet you could even have a scrum team size of 21... if you manage to get the whole team to trust each other! A team of 5 often works better than a team of 9, simply because it is easier to build trust among 5 than among 9!

So you might ask me, how to build trust? If you are like me, you have spent years building mathematical models of processes and people, you see trust as a process. But if you are not, then the simple rule is to show others that you trust them. You need to show it with your words but also in your actions. Then, if you are the scrum master, be a trust policeman! Anytime you see someone behaving in a manner that goes against trust, you stop them gently and bring the conversation back to trusting relation. Finally, you eliminate people who really cannot play the game, or if they are "the chosen ones" you ring fence them, which usually means you give them a babysitter to keep them from damaging trust relations (a painful job).

Having said all this, I am sure you have heard of catastrophe theory, which can visually be seen as moving from a continuous regime to another as a single event. Here is the insight: what do you think happens when you over trust your scrum team, and they over trust themselves? They can hit a wall, fall completely apart, and lose their trust (and yours too!). The magic then of a the good manager is to understand how complex the projects you give to your teams can be; And that my friend, is a very difficult task!

Immutable, mutable, higher order designs and monads

One of the great pleasures of programming functionally is to be able to rely on immutable data. With immutability, side effects need to be explicitly defined, either as return values from functions or as encapsulations in monadic states. Immutability allows two important properties: first it increases productivity by diminishing what needs to be cared about (freeing the mind to care about the right things!), then, almost as more importantly, it provides the foundation for higher order programming concepts by preserving an acyclic relationship between functions and data. By higher order, I mean that data is replaced by functions or that functions encapsulated in data; for example, in a context like data differentiation or in the use of monads. By acyclic, I mean that all trace trees are acyclic (trace tree can be seen as dynamic call graph where recursion is not a loop). Let me explain…
It is OK to have cycles in the static call graph. That is because we know how to infer invariants (e.g. like types) from inter-dependent and recursive functions. Likewise, recursive data types are also OK. Nevertheless everything is a bit trickier if we look at things from a data flow dependency point of view. This is the view we need to take if we really want understand how the functions are working on data and producing new data. And the sad reality is that it is generally hard to work out invariants from dependency graphs that have cycles because of mutable data, Nevertheless, there are cyclic dependency graphs that are easier to work with than others. More specifically, the more local, or of limited life span, a part of the dependency graph is, the easier it is to understand it scope and properties.
I mentioned trace trees above because they give me the bridge I need to wrap up this posting. The insight is the following: mutability brings in cycles in dependencies, cycles in dependencies kill invariants that allow higher order code constructions, trace trees are a down to earth way to work with dependencies, monads can seen as redefining call points in the trace tree (nodes), and as a consequence one the safest way to introduce mutability is within the scope of a monad. Again, we know the local trace tree will end up with cycles when we introduce mutability, but if this trace tree is “protected” in a monad, then its impact into the rest of the trace tree is easier to understand because of the intimate relation between monads and trace tree nodes.
You could argue that we do not need mutability. Yet real world I/O is mutable and therefore you you cannot escape working with mutable data. Not to mention that to get performance you may need to go mutable too.

Monday, May 02, 2011

What to recommend to a young quant

I share with you my recommendation to a "young quant" that wrote me asking for leads:


A tricky question. As with any industry, there is a certain “commoditization” of derivative technology including quant work, that plus the uncertain future of the US regulations on derivatives, and to add to that a bleak economic outlook in Europe and the US. The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side and many parts of the market are in a squeeze.

Having said that, there are still smart people out there making money and there is still a lot of new development in Asia. My recommendation is not to look for change of activity, but to get closer to successful firms. I know that is easier said than done. Still, one idea is that you are better off accepting a low pay to be closer to success than a higher pay that keeps you out of the fast lane. Again, I know this is not easy. And worse than that, you are in competition with many others.

The best I can do is to give you the following advice: I have looked at your profile and it is too much like “another quant”. Further more, you admit you do not have “...” experience by saying that you have strong interest in it. Therefore my recommendation is to try to stretch your resume in new “original” directions that will make it stand out. Ideally you should back this up with personal work. My gut feeling would be to add more software development experience: if I hire a quant I want him also to be good programmer to get quick turnaround times. You say nothing about your development skills. Spend time to work on these skills if you do not have enough of them. The second concept would be to be more exotic with your choice of quant projects: think of the senior quant that reads your resume and give him something to think about. So go buy a book on approximate dynamic programming or spectral methods in stochastic computation, do a little development at home and add it to your resume.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

OO versus functional programming versus agile

Have you ever asked yourself the question of why database tables do not have two primary keys? Or maybe you have started a spreadsheet with a choice of columns and rows to only change them later?

One of the little understood properties of programming is that at the lowest level things tend to be single dimensional. So for example, the balanced tree has just one key, and so on. There is theoretical reason for this, but the general fact is that it is much easier to design a structure or algorithm to do one thing than to do two or more.

Object orientation starts with the fundamental idea that objects can do many things. And this naturally leads to the expectation that they can do them equality well. We know from the previous paragraph that this is not true, and yet many do not know this or forget it. You would think that this mismatch between expectation and reality is not really a big problem, yet sadly it is. OO programmers are constantly trying to fit multiple dimensions of abstractions into single objects without understanding that they will never be able do it well without giving more weight to some dimensions over others. Not prioritizing things, not having a clear idea of hierarchy of concepts, leads to a random choice of hierarchy at the deeper implementation level, and leads to redundancies that do not support each other well. The end result is that OO software tend often both to grow and age badly.

Functional programming approaches things differently. A function has only one entry point: from the top. Primitive data structures are all simple (one dimensional) and must be composed to build anything real. The consequence is that with functional programming you need to decide "on construction" how you will interleave the different dimensions of your problem. Unlike OO, you are immediately forced to care about how you will implement things. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that in the end, there is no escape that the deep down implementation of your structures needs a hierarchy, so you might as well take responsibility and choose how you will build your solution. By doing so you can keep things consistent, and consistent does not always mean the same, it may mean that your choice of order of composition is different for different parts of your program but that the unrolling of one part matches the "rolling-up" of another part of the your program. The bad thing about needing to choose early how you split and hierarchize things is that you need to have a lot of experience to do it right (think monads for example). This is why although OO programs tend to not grow well, they are still cheaper to produce as you need senior guys to work functional style.

But now I would like to bring in something different and yet very relevant. Agile development is a lot about prioritizing your requirements and implementing them in iterations. That means that the first level of your design, what might be seen as the first draft of primary keys of your data base, are directly tied to the most important business concept. If you think of it, that is not a bad choice! So to observe that agile development helps structure your design when you do not know better.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Should you use F# in your projects?

A few years back I read that a guy killed a child with his Ferrari: he missed the turn after a strong acceleration (as he left a Ferrari gathering!). And then more recently I read the same type of story, again with a Ferrari and an uncontrolled turn at an intersection.

Well, F# is like a Ferrari (maybe that is what the F stands for ;-) ). It is incredibly more productive than the classical OO .net languages; see it as a language with an incredible acceleration. But the caveat is that programming in a functional language is much more of a balancing act, and therefore beware the slippery turns and “intellectual crashes”. This is especially a management and team issue, a language like F# allows you to blend in the same code concepts that can be dealt by your “standard” developer and concepts that take years to master. (It can be even worse than C++ template meta-programming.)

If you were going to set up a taxi company would you buy a fleet of Ferraris if they were available at the same price? Well that is a little bit the same type of question you need to ask yourself when you choose a language like F# or Scala for your team. And it is a tricky question and I would argue that Microsoft is wise not to over market F#.You choose it because you know what it will bring you and you are "old enough" to understand the risks you are taking!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Teaching and agile management

Today a friend's son asked me to help him with his math. The magic of internet meant that could read up the topic on wikipedia while listening to the request and accept in confidence.

Here are a few hints on how to teach:
  • Allow learning from mistakes: the young man's first request was to erase what he had done, as it was wrong. I stopped him and led him through the understanding of what he had done, building a knowledge of what "not to try again". This happened a few more times where I let him make his mistakes so that he could understand better how not to make these mistakes.
  • Do not provide solutions but support the learning of decision making along the way: Learning is about associating together thoughts and methods and by doing so building a new way to do or understand something. In this case, I help him identify which of the mathematical tools he possessed already would help him for this type of problem.
  • Help maintain a notion of goal at all times: The problem he needed to solve involved a good amount of tedious algebraic work. It was easy to get lost a this level of the task so I helped him maintain a link with his goal during the whole process. In this way, even when he made a mistake and needed to backtrack, he still knew where he was going.
Now I ask you to go and read up on Scrum or other agile process. You will see that what I have said above is how you should lead your agile teams. It does not matter what type of leader you are, people, technical or business, the art of helping people to be productive with quality is to get them to learn how to always do better.

There is one caveat to this process. As the "student" needs to know enough and be skilled enough to be "a good student", the agile team member needs to be knowledgeable and skilled enough to be a "good employee". Special attention must be put into the hiring process and the simple rule that remains the best is to hire the bright ones fresh out of school and have them work with your senior experienced people.

C++ and functional programming

What to say to C++ programmers about functional programming, especially now that many compilers have implemented C++0X features like lambda and auto. I am pretty good at C++, having started using it with the Zortech compiler V1 and the first versions of CFront (the orginal C++ to C translator). I have also written much fancy template code. Therefore thinking about this post leaves me in the dilemma that there is one part of me that likes the features of C++0X that "wrap up" loose ends, and another part of me, the functional programming part, that makes me want to rant! I will not rant today, but part of that reasons for being upset needs to be said, as is relevant. The "magic" of mature functional programming are:
  • Statements, expressions, functions and types support each other
  • Type inference and polymorphism automate the relation between statements, expressions, functions and types
  • Monadic and other "advanced" types are available to define new execution models such as parallelism.
C++ templates can bee seen as a primitive functional language. But I would argue against going into production focusing on C++ templates that way as I have been burnt so many times by C++ compilers failing me with complex templates, not to mention the difficulty to hire for this skill So template functional style is not where the emphasis should be. The real issue is that although C++ expressions have a C++ type counterparty (think operators like + and -), there is no C++ type support for statements. As a result many of the core concepts of functional programming cannot mapped across C++, even with the new C++0X features of lambda, garbage collections, auto, etc. My recommendation is that some concepts should be understood by C++ developers but not necessarily with a functional emphasis. My favorite topic is as always monads. In the C++ terms, monadic concepts define properties on the "traces" of the code. If we say: f(...); g(...); then the execution trace of the program will first have gone through f and therefore when g is called, properties set by f may still be valid. A good C++ architect should understand enough about monads to define invariants that can be used in this type of trace oriented context. For the moment, I would forget about other "functional programming concepts" in C++, even if it is C++0X!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Personalize your containers (in F#)

Many years ago I implemented an augmented tree structure in C++. Inspired, I decided to implement the structure in F#. FYI by augmentation I mean storing extra data at each node of the tree that will accelerate the later operations on the tree. In DB terms, augmentations are typically used include secondary key conditions in your tree query. This is what I did:
  1. Take a balanced tree implementation off the web. I was thinking finger tree but then though better to start with a simpler implementation. I chose an AVL tree. (I may revert the code to a red and black tree to simplify).
  2. Add a node field to store the augmentation (a generic type)
  3. Refactor the code by replacing the call of the node constructor by a call to a function that will first build an augmentation and then call the node constructor
  4. Pass the generic augmentation "maker" function as argument to the function calls
On this last point I wasted much time. Initialy, I tried to encapsulate the "augmentation" api with abstract methods on one the the types. As all this code is polymorphic the compiler barfed with "would leave scope" and this type of error. After a bit too much time, I reverted to only define API signatures are with functions, no methods. (I understood later that this is mostly true for all languages: stick to functions/lambda constructions because they always scale). Then I wrote a generic select like operation that uses augmentations. And finally a "general" map operation: it uses the augmentations to optimize its search, it only transforms nodes that have the selected property AND it allows nodes to be deleted. There are still a few more things to do to wrap this code up but I again can only admire the speed at which one can write functional style. I'd love to tell you why you want to have these types of data structures but not everything can be for free.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Flash crash 2010 thinking

An old friend asked me if the flash crash had been caused by "spoofing" of the exchanges with very large flows of order entry/order cancel commands. My feeling was that this was not the case and a quick search on google picked up a confirmation in this article: The Microstructure of the ‘Flash Crash’: Flow Toxicity, Liquidity Crashes and the Probability of Informed Trading” This article supports the explanation that the main cause of the flash crash was simply the lack of liquidity because the market makers had become too edgy due to too much new information coming in to the market. It is an excellent article and brings back the notion that some systems are only sustainable with enough "friction", or said differently, by being under-optimal with regards to certain ways to look at them. When a group of people need to work together, they nominate a chief, or at least they give specific roles and ownerships to members of the group. These people get an "unfair" advantage as their ownership will most often provide benefits, even if they is not trying to use them for their own gain. Ideally for the group, processes are in place that limit personal advantages. And these advantages cannot be completely removed as that would take away the leverage that allows the overall process to happen AND BE SUSTAINABLE! There are real challenges with these types of "social process": If people remove all their leadership they end up in chaos, and yet people are often upset with some of the unfair advantages that the leaders have because of their role's functions. Market makers that cannot make a profit on the bid and ask spread must make a profit on "another spread". This can be a volatility spread, or more generally on an "information spread". Information spread is, for example, "I don't know and you don't know", going to "Now I know, and you don't"; Or it could be "I expect parameter P3 to change in my model, you don't". When a market maker can no longer find a profit making spread, he will limit his exposure; especially when this exposure leads to continuous losses caused by others having their own "better" information spread (often at the limit of inside trading). The sad conclusion is that market makers become less of a sure thing when rules that diminish their "advantage" are imposed by the exchanges, the SEC or the ESMA. Mathematically you can see this as moving from a continuous to a non-continuous regime. Call it a "percolation" of the market making process past a critical level. The big problem is that in the non-continuous regime, one where parts of the markets simply stop, as no prices are quoted, is "a nightmare". And many people simply ignore it as "impossible". The truth is that it is much more a possibility now than it ever was and that seems to be what the flash crash was all about.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Types versus architecture

There are three invariants in a software system:
  • Code
  • Types
  • The architecture
One old rule is: more types, less code. This is because the less "sophisticated" type provides less "support" to the code, and therefore you need more code to keep things in control. Another way to put this is that the invariants provided by the use of more types allows the code to be more simple.
For example, long ago I experienced this type of code simplification with the use of the record/struct moving to C and Pascal from early basic and FORTRAN (and assembly). And again with classes and objects moving to C++. And again with variant types and later monads with functional programming.

Another rule is: better architecture, less code. I have repeated this mantra for many years and yet thinking about it, I am not even very sure I have a good definition for architecture. I use to say: 'architecture is what does not change in the system'. Now maybe I should say: 'it's what does not change and what is not a type'. This then begs the question: 'If I can capture more of my system in its types, does that make the architecture more simple'?

I am starting to get the feeling that architecture is a little bit like dynamic typing: you use it when you do not know better. I am tempted to try to introduce a new rule: better typing, less architecture". I will see if I can make that rule stick!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What architecture for a trading system?

Listening to Randy Shoup's interview of his eBay’s Architectural Principles presentation I was at first surprised by how similar their architecture was to my views on how to design a trading system (something I have done for fourteen years!). Then to remember e-bay may not be a high-frequency trading system but it is both an exchange, a back office and a front end system.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

narrowing and widening in type inference

The joy of googling yourself!

I was (again) wondering about the deeper theories that tie type inference algorithms that use narrowing to those that use widening. A search on the web led to a comment on LTU ( Argh, that was my comment!

Nevertheless, since then, I come to accept that one is the dual of the other and that is does make sense to combine the narrowing and widening either to simplify the type inference algorithm or to implement "approximate" types.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Local versus global monadic states in large applications

(Note: this needs a correction because there a third way which is to just transform the monad "top down", it has restrictions but is very usable too, so I will need to update this).

Yesterday evening it occurred to me that two choices are possible when programming large monadic applications:
  1. A single common monadic state is shared among the modules while each module is written independently of this state and is given an accessor to access its local state in this global shared state. The application then defines the global states built from local states, and the accessors to go access these local states.
  2. Each module works on a state which presents primarily the local state of the module but which carries anonymously the global state. One way to do this is to "zipperize" the global state and walk over it with a "focus" (see . "Functional Pearl: The Zipper").
I have been using solution 1 for my prototyping. Having now spent a few hours trying to convert my little application to solution 2, I have the following remarks:
  • The single global state and use of accessor per module is easier to implement but implies that the top level application design has visibility into all modules and that their assembly is not overly complex.
  • Local module specific states with anonymous "left over global state" is more powerful and allows a finer anonymization through a module hierarchy. It is also more functionally pure. Nevertheless it has the shortcoming that as each module is working "relative" to its local state, and much functional glue must be included for each cross module call. My experience was that it is pretty tricky to to get all these conversions right because they are all relative. Although in practice the application most likely has a reference global state type and therefore this style of design revert to using code to convert from and to each local module state and global state (just like the accessor).
Although I like conceptually the local module state concept, I gave up trying to use it after an evening of rewrite.